My Daily Horoscope - Virgo - 3rd decan

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string(17) "Saturday,+July+27"

Saturday, July 27

string(11) "Clear+Mind+"

Clear Mind

string(357) "Improved+powers+of+concentration+help+you+resolve+any+difficult+issues+you+face.+You+have+an+impressive+talent+for+presenting+your+point+of+view+and+yet+are+still+able+to+respect+other+opinions.+It’s+important+you+don’t+become+too+obsessive+about+every+detail+or+overly+worry+about+others.+Instead+give+yourself+time+to+relax,+perhaps+with+a+long+walk.+"

Improved powers of concentration help you resolve any difficult issues you face. You have an impressive talent for presenting your point of view and yet are still able to respect other opinions. It?s important you don?t become too obsessive about every detail or overly worry about others. Instead give yourself time to relax, perhaps with a long walk.

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