My Daily Horoscope - Virgo - 1st decan

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string(15) "Friday,+March+7"

Friday, March 7

string(25) "Strengths+and+weaknesses+"

Strengths and weaknesses

string(345) "Behaving+in+a+truly+impulsive+and+erratic+way+leads+to+conflict,+rather+than+creating+any+worthwhile+success.+Be+more+conscious+both+of+your+strengths+and+weaknesses+and+don’t+confuse+issues+by+playing+one+off+against+the+other.+Reconcile+yourself+to+both+extremes,+so+those+around+you+come+to+appreciate+you+as+a+much+more+meaningful+person.+"

Behaving in a truly impulsive and erratic way leads to conflict, rather than creating any worthwhile success. Be more conscious both of your strengths and weaknesses and don?t confuse issues by playing one off against the other. Reconcile yourself to both extremes, so those around you come to appreciate you as a much more meaningful person.

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