My Daily Horoscope - Virgo - 2nd decan

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string(19) "Friday,+February+14"

Friday, February 14

string(16) "Strong+feelings+"

Strong feelings

string(363) "Your+feelings+dominate+your+life,+but+this+doesn't+have+to+affect+your+relationships+in+a+negative+way.+It’s+far+easier+than+usual+for+you+to+meet+new+people+who+appreciate+your+open+and+kind+approach.+Take+time+to+monitor+any+fitness+regime+you+have+in+place+as+your+passion+for+recreational+activity+easily+leads+you+to+put+far+too+much+pressure+on+yourself.+"

Your feelings dominate your life, but this doesn't have to affect your relationships in a negative way. It?s far easier than usual for you to meet new people who appreciate your open and kind approach. Take time to monitor any fitness regime you have in place as your passion for recreational activity easily leads you to put far too much pressure on yourself.

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