My Daily Horoscope - Libra - 2nd decan

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string(17) "Saturday,+July+27"

Saturday, July 27

string(17) "Poor+Perspective+"

Poor Perspective

string(323) "Your+o+opposing+desires+and+feelings+affect+decisions+concerning+the+direction+of+your+life.+You+must+avoid+any+brash+conduct+or+displays+of+arrogance+likely+to+upset+those+you+care+about+most.+Equally,+don’t+try+to+outdo+others+or+expand+on+your+goals+with+overly+ambitious+targets+by+over-estimating+your+capabilities.+"

Your o opposing desires and feelings affect decisions concerning the direction of your life. You must avoid any brash conduct or displays of arrogance likely to upset those you care about most. Equally, don?t try to outdo others or expand on your goals with overly ambitious targets by over-estimating your capabilities.

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