Horoskop harian saya - Pisces - Decanate Kedua

Tempat untuk memasukkan tarikh lahir

string(19) "Friday,+February+14"

Friday, February 14

string(13) "Don’t+Brag+"

Don?t Brag

string(319) "Craving+recognition+you+tend+to+exaggerate+your+abilities,+so+avoid+discussions+about+relative+levels+of+expertise+between+yourself+and+others.+Instead,+concentrate+on+the+routine+tasks+that+make+things+happen.+Maintain+your+composure+by+getting+away+from+stressful+situations,+try+to+relax+or+do+some+gentle+exercise.+"

Craving recognition you tend to exaggerate your abilities, so avoid discussions about relative levels of expertise between yourself and others. Instead, concentrate on the routine tasks that make things happen. Maintain your composure by getting away from stressful situations, try to relax or do some gentle exercise.

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