Horoskop harian saya - Aries - Decanate Ketiga

Tempat untuk memasukkan tarikh lahir

string(18) "Monday,+January+20"

Monday, January 20

string(16) "Misuse+of+power+"

Misuse of power

string(356) "You’re+in+danger+of+showing+off+more+than+necessary.+Your+conduct+is+unjustified,+for+you+feel+more+uncertain+in+your+dealings+with+others+than+usual.+If+in+a+position+of+power,+you+are+tempted+to+abuse+this+power,+don't+give+in+to+temptation,+behave+with+integrity+and+admit+to+your+own+mistakes,+as+a+result+you’re+admired+and+held+in+higher+regard.+"

You?re in danger of showing off more than necessary. Your conduct is unjustified, for you feel more uncertain in your dealings with others than usual. If in a position of power, you are tempted to abuse this power, don't give in to temptation, behave with integrity and admit to your own mistakes, as a result you?re admired and held in higher regard.

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