Horoskop harian saya - Leo - Decanate Kedua

Tempat untuk memasukkan tarikh lahir

string(19) "Friday,+February+14"

Friday, February 14

string(11) "Hot+headed+"

Hot headed

string(364) "Criticized+a+great+deal+for+your+less+than+understanding+conduct,+you+relish+joining+in+every+quarrel+you+can.+You+don't+exactly+treat+others+with+very+much+sensitivity,+and+on+occasion+need+to+consider+the+fact+that+not+everyone+appreciates+your+ready+wit+or+shares+your+moods.+Let+off+some+steam+and+pent-up+aggression;+take+a+break+well+away+from+other+people.+"

Criticized a great deal for your less than understanding conduct, you relish joining in every quarrel you can. You don't exactly treat others with very much sensitivity, and on occasion need to consider the fact that not everyone appreciates your ready wit or shares your moods. Let off some steam and pent-up aggression; take a break well away from other people.

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